The Ormi

a species created by unizxbra


If you are unsure of something. need clarification of the rules, or need to report a rulebreaker, please message unizxbra!
Ormi can not currently be bred with one another, but this may change in the future.
Ormi are a semi-open species; they can be obtained through MYOs, adopts, raffles, etc.!
MYO ormi have their own rules. MYOs also need to be approved before they are official!
There is no limit to how many total ormi a user can own, but you are limited to a total of ONE MYO every three weeks!

If you redesign your ormi, you must post it here so that your ormi can be re-approved. If you add new non-common traits, you will still have to pay for these as normal (exception: removing a trait your ormi already has in order to add another trait of the same rarity to even it out). You do not receive C$ for removing above-common traits and you will need to pay again to add above-common traits again, so be certain that you want to remove it before you do so.

Only ormi staff/official artists are allowed to make ormi adopts.

Ormi are allowed to be posted offsite (i.e.,, etc.) but users are ONLY allowed to own an ormi if they have a chickensmoothie account. Ormi can not be gifted or traded to users who are not on chickensmoothie. This is for archiving purposes and to ensure they are kept track of properly and that bans and warnings can be issued as needed.

You ARE allowed to trade or gift your ormi, but for archiving purposes, you must notify staff when you do (here is where you do this!). The person you are selling or trading your ormi to must also agree to these rules and follow them.

Co-ownership is allowed, but staff must be notified of the other owners. ALL users who own or co-own an ormi must be aware of the rules and follow them.
They can be drawn anthro or feral, it doesn't matter
Warnings can be issued for the following reasons:

Rudeness to staff or other users. Personal beef does not count, it must be related to the species to some degree.
Non-staff making and selling ormi.
Non-staff making ormi outside of MYO opportunities and/or using them without first having approval from staff.
Editing your ormi without requesting approval from staff.
Selling, trading, or gifting an ormi without notifying staff.
Giving an ormi to a banned user
Begging, manipulating, or guilt tripping for an ormi to be given to you.
Warnings will be privately logged to keep track of offenses and warning level. Your warning level can lower over time, but the previous warnings stay on your private record. Only the creator and admins/mods may see this information.
Immediate bans can be issued for the following reasons:

Anything along the vein of art theft, redistributing or tracing official ormi lines, claiming the lines as your own, etc.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and any other discriminatory behaviors.
Refusal to follow the rules when warned.
Impersonation of staff
When a rule is broken, you will be issued a warning stating the rule you've broken and your current warning level. On a warning level of 3, your next warning is a ban, but you can get banned on your first broken rule depending on the severity.

Banned Users

Banned users have their ormi voided and may not own or create ormi. Ormi can not be gifted or traded to them. They may give their ormi away, but never receive another one. Banned users are listed here only for the purpose of making sure that they don't try to obtain ormi while banned.

Bans can sometimes be appealed depending on the severity of the reason for the ban. Appeals are given under these circumstances:

The user was banned wrongly or unfairly and has provided proof of such.
The user has been banned for a certain period of time, learned from their errors, and respectfully asks for their ban to be appealed.
If your ban gets appealed and you get banned again, it becomes permanent and you do not get another appeal.


i am not an expert in biology or anything of the sort by any means. i created ormi mainly for fun and they're based more on looks than functionality. if anything is unrealistic or biologically inaccurate, that's likely the reason. they're fantasy creatures with fantasy characteristics, so it's alright with me


Ormi are a species inspired by MLP kirin, the solus, and the pangolin. They are mammals with both scales and fur, with two fangs protruding from their mouths. They are social creatures, often living in groups within villages together. They exhibit the same level of intellect as we do, though humans do not exist in their world.

(labeled by color for ease of understanding)




If the pictures are blurry, click on the image to be taken to a higher quality version.

Traits not listed above:

Lack of top two fangs. Commonly seen in nonbinary ormi as a safe and voluntary procedure since their fangs are their main form of sexual dimorphism.

NOTE: everything below this is listed for lore purposes! you don't have to follow it very closely or at all if you don't want to, so don't be intimidated by how much information there is. you don't really need to know any of it, it's just here to expand the species to make them more unique! ^^


Ormi are omnivores. Their diet consists mostly of fish, plants, and the fruits and vegetables that they grow. Under desperate circumstances they may consume meat other than fish, but it does not usually bode well for their digestive systems or nutrition. Their bodies are unable to process raw meat and they must cook their fish over fires before safe consumption. They may not eat other animals, but they may domesticate them to consume their products, such as milk or eggs. Some ormi may choose to take the vegan or vegetarian path.

Gestation, & Offspring

Ormi are monotremes, meaning that they lay eggs despite being mammals. They do not lay eggs regularly like some birds and chickens do; they only lay eggs when their gestation period is over. Their gestation period (pregnancy) lasts around 45-55 days and the eggs take 18-21 days to hatch afterwards.

Ormi can become pregnant at any time of year, but they prefer to make sure it will be warm by the time they're ready to lay their egg, as cold weather can make it difficult to keep the egg safe and warm.

Female ormi usually only have one egg, but it's possible for there to be two instead. Three or more eggs are a very rare occurence and cause complications to the rest of the eggs; one or all eggs will be stillborn.

During her gestation period, the female will prepare a nest with her mate some weeks before laying her egg, creating a safe and warm area for the egg until it hatches. Nests are made of soft bedding, fabrics, furs, and hides, organized in a quiet corner of their homes. The nest is big enough to hold the mother, her egg, and her partner all at once. If she doesn't have a partner, she may do this with a trusted friend or family member instead.

Nests are used until an ormi has reached their toddler stage. Afterwards, the nest will be deconstructed and either repurposed, scrapped, or donated to aspiring or current ormi parents.
Egg Stage
In this stage, the egg is never left unattended; one or both parents will be present with the egg, making sure it is kept properly warmed and supervised. Single parents may have trusted friends to help them watch over the egg.

The egg takes 18-21 days to hatch.

Newborn Stage
In their primal days, newborn ormi would be hidden away, very silent and still while their parents were away gathering food for them, similar to fawns. Although they have progressed past the need for this, modern-day newborn ormi are very quiet and shy, tending to only interact with their parents. Everything they do in this stage is from the safe confines of their nests. If removed from their nests too early or feel that they are in danger, they will emit loud squeaking noises to "sound the alarm" for their parents nearby.

"Toddler" Stage
A big leap from their previous stage, toddler ormi are rambunctious little guys and are full of seemingly endless energy! At this age, most start to socialize and make friends, finally breaking out of their shyness. They leave the nest at this age and their life officially begins.

Aging Note
Ormi age very similarly to us rather than like a typical animal. Their lifespan can be up to 55 years, but some very lucky ormi may live to see their early 70s.


Ormi are LGBT-friendly and can identify in varying ways just like us!

Couples who are unable to reproduce (due to either being a same-sex couple or due to infertility or other reasons) may adopt orphan ormi or have surrogates.

Transgender ormi may be interested in hormone therapy. Additionally to the changes that are typically seen in HRT, their two front top fangs are removed safely; MtF ormi teeth will grow back shorter, FtM ormi teeth will grow back longer. Ormi who don't conform to either identity may choose to not have their fangs grow back at all.

Ormi have advanced some of their medical practices, giving trans ormi the opportunity to become biological parents if they choose to! FtM ormi can safely impregnate and MtF ormi can safely become pregnant.